15 October 2009

Bathing Baby Without Making it Cry

Lately I have figured out a way to bathe the baby without making him cry. This is how you do it.

  1. Keep ready his towel, clothes and other things required for and after the bath.
  2. Take lukewarm water in a tub with a mug to pour water on the baby.
  3. Sit on a short stool in the bathroom, keep the baby on your bare thighs balancing him with your left hand.
  4. With your right hand start pouring water on him starting from the feet and gradually rising up to the neck. This is to avoid startling him with water.
  5. Once he is comfortable with water use gram flour paste to clean him. This is better than soap as the flour does not dry baby's skin.
  6. Try to do this quickly because babies get chill very fast.
  7. Now rinse the paste with plenty of water and swaddle him in a warm towel.
  8. Bring him to his bed and remove the towel from the lower part of his body and wrap his nappy. Then proceed to bare his torso to dress him up.
  9. And finally, do not forget to sing your favorite song through out his bathing session. This helps to relax the baby.

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