I made this skirt for Srimati Radharani when I was pregnant. I got to complete the dress only now when my son is 8 months old. Today being Ekadasi, I offered abhishekam and this set of new dress to Their Lordships.
I really liked the dresses of ur deities. I also wish to stich dresses for my Radhe Krishna too...I stich dresses for Radhe Krishna who r 3 feet tall. I have small idols too who r just 3 inch tall.Can u please guide me to stich dress for them.... like where to buy such small borders and d cutting design of their dress for stiching... thanks in advance.
Your deities are lovely!
You're inspiring me to begin stitching clothes for my deities too, in spite of the fact that they're really tiny.
Keep posting please.
Hari bol.
Your deities are so lovely and serene.
You're inspiring me to begin stitching clothes for my deities, in spite of them being so tiny (They're 6" and 5").
Keep posting!
Hari bol.
Radhe Radhe !!
I really liked the dresses of ur deities. I also wish to stich dresses for my Radhe Krishna too...I stich dresses for Radhe Krishna who r 3 feet tall. I have small idols too who r just 3 inch tall.Can u please guide me to stich dress for them.... like where to buy such small borders and d cutting design of their dress for stiching... thanks in advance.
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