27 December 2013

How to Talk so Kids will Listen & Listen so Kids Will Talk

How often as parents we have found ourselves at crossroads not being able to see what is right and wrong in bringing up children. In spite of our best efforts at being responsible parents, we, nevertheless, fear what effect our bearing has on the kids' formative years. At times, when our personalities are at loggerheads, we may be at a loss to choose the right method of action to handle the little vulnerable personalities who so generously give us joy by simply being themselves as our sons or daughters.This book here, believe me, help us to understand kids better.

Communication with my son has greatly improved by understanding his point of view with the help of some techniques taught in this book. 'How to Talk so Kids will Listen & Listen so Kids Will Talk' by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish is widely popular and is available in amazon.  

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